This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Review Your IT Environment

The Platform is so important to EDTech that it cannot be overemphasized.

It is a combination of hardware, software, network and cloud tools.

This would include defining the servers, desktops, laptops, tablets and all of the hardware that will drive your environment forward.  With the ever changing landscape of options, you need to continually revise your perspective and plan for tomorrow.

Platform also includes software.  What OS you standardize on.  Or whether you have multiples in place.  Windows, Chrome, Apple and more.  Defining the software platform will enable tomorrow to arrive earlier.  You might be prepping or rolling out Windows 8.1 so that you can embrace touch screen eventually.  You may have multiple tablet devices and expanding into more.

The network that connects it all together makes so much difference in the expansion options when connecting sites.  most sites are standard IT installs using standard tools, but some creativity might come into play as you stretch into remote learning, blended learning and flipped assignments.  The network is no longer just your site setup.

The Cloud may now be included in your “network”.  Embracing cloud tools and defining the boundaries of cloud use must be done as the expansion continues. Is your data safe? backed up? accessible? private?  so many questions.

By taking a wide look at your platform you can start analyzing what is working and what is not.  Map it out, write it down, review the architecture and plan for the next year when making decision.

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