This entry is part 9 of 9 in the series EDTech IT Core Functions

Organization – The ability to put things together in an orderly, functioning, and structured whole. This might be your main focus. Guidelines, standards, procedures and processes. The larger the organization the greater the need to get it organized and get in on paper (or your intranet/wiki).

Organization happens when there is a structure in place.Organized

1. Look to create structure – if one is missing.  Define who does what and where the decision points are.  Seek to lay out the flow of work and how processes are managed.  Let everyone know who “owns” a certain function or initiative. Define the leader of specific tech initiatives and areas.

2. Look to improve structure.  Define the technology setup and workflow.  Process and Procedure are your playground, but you are not trapped in them. Do not be so rigid that you cannot flex a little.

3. Look to stay within the defined structure.  If there is a process or procedure, follow it – or change it.  Let folks know how things are reviewed, defined and implemented so they can work within the guidelines.  Help others color inside the lines.

4. Look to make sure that the right people are involved.  Most of time someone complains about a decision, it is not because the decision was bad… it is because they were not involved, informed, advised or asked for input.  The outcome is really fine, but they were not included.  Structure oriented leaders will make sure the right people were involved when decisions are made.

5.  Look to make sure any revisions to procedure are locked in and become best practices.  Once something is set in place, help to have it be set in concrete.  Not so much that they will never change, but that people follow the new guidelines. They need to know where to go to see the guidelines.

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