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Core #2 – Training

Core #2 – Training
This entry is part 7 of 9 in the series EDTech IT Core Functions

Core #2 is Leading and that involved 5 “T’s” – Tools, Talent, Technology, Training and Time.  The fourth “T” of Leadership is Training Training is how you get everyone there. Provide it and you succeed. Let it lapse and your best tools, talent and technology approaches go stale. Training is the battery pack that gets […]


This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series Review Your IT Environment

By Program, I do not mean the educational offerings to students, but rather the full offering that IT provides to Admin, Staff and Students.  The ED Tech IT Leader lives in a split world.  One that includes providing a robust standardized administrative technology offering that enables the business side and another innovative instructional environment that […]