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Core #2 – Training

Core #2 – Training
This entry is part 7 of 9 in the series EDTech IT Core Functions

Core #2 is Leading and that involved 5 “T’s” – Tools, Talent, Technology, Training and Time.  The fourth “T” of Leadership is Training Training is how you get everyone there. Provide it and you succeed. Let it lapse and your best tools, talent and technology approaches go stale. Training is the battery pack that gets […]

Core Function #3 – Organization and Structure

Core Function #3 – Organization and Structure
This entry is part 9 of 9 in the series EDTech IT Core Functions

Organization – The ability to put things together in an orderly, functioning, and structured whole. This might be your main focus. Guidelines, standards, procedures and processes. The larger the organization the greater the need to get it organized and get in on paper (or your intranet/wiki). Organization happens when there is a structure in place. […]