This entry is part 10 of 17 in the series Strategic Planning

Now for the fun part. Many want to jump to this step since it is the visionary, looking to the future part. Who does not want to dream about perfect worlds? While you can and should think about the next tech that you might want at any time during your IT career, you should get a little more formal and include steps one and two prior to developing your written strategic plan. Drawing on the data and knowledge you have obtained from steps one and two, start creating a picture of how you want your environment to be.Future

Poised with pen in hand or doc open, ready to type, start pondering these things and document your thinking in short notes. Don;t worry about the details yet.

What vision do you have for your environment in one year? Three years?  Pushing out as far as you can with your thoughts will help you have preparatory items in the yearly efforts that build toward the 3-5 year items.

Do you want a new processes or different software? Don’f forget process change or even cultural changes that need to happen to move technology forward. New software can change the workflow.  Plan for it.

Is there a change in your students needs for technology? What is being used by other schools? What is really working and making an impact and not just new and shiny. Keep it rooted in practical advancements.

Where is ED Tech headed? Read more, ask others, ask your team. What is “hinted” at today becomes the “must have” of tomorrow.

What are other schools like yours doing? Look around to see what others might have in place or are moving toward. Keep up with the trends in education.

What needs to be streamlined? What is clunky and cumbersome? What needs to be reworked? what are people tolerating? or complaining about?

Series Navigation<< Step Two – SWOT – The ProductStep Three – Look toward the Future – Part Two >>